Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Overburdened Eldest Child

Looks like pure, unadulterated joy, doesn't it? It's an illusion. It ain't easy being the oldest.

Top 10 Reasons Why it Sucks to Be the Oldest Child

10) Sharing my bedroom

9) Sharing my bathroom

8) Sharing my toothpaste

7) Sharing my parents- who are no doubt just practicing on me and will do a much better job with my younger brothers.

6) Sharing my auntie

5) Sharing my toys

4) Sharing my books

3) Sharing my name

2) Sharing my wisdom, by beginning all responses to statements by my younger brothers with "actually."

1) Never sharing the blame

But the number one best thing about being the oldest child is knowing in your heart that you are Mama's favorite!

1 comment:

  1. You might want to consider deleting all internet traces of that last sentence before the other two learn to read (and google). :-)
