2 Ear infections (Mr Butler)
1 Six-day hospital stay (A-Train)
1 Gnarly case of poison ivy (Big D)
1 ER visit (Mr Butler) which required six staples to the head

It's a damn good thing he's cute, because he is TROUBLE!
Adding insult to, well, injury, the WBs endured a big loss last month. Our nanny, Melissa, who has been with us for six years (which means she has been with this family longer than my two younger children!!) left us to open her own daycare. We miss her so!
She wasn't just our nanny, she was a second mom to my kids, and a friend to me, and a part of our family. The kids she's looking after now are so lucky (and I hope their mamas know it!), and we are so lucky to have had such a wonderful six years. And though we all knew this day was coming, breaking up is hard to do! Especially when you're breaking up with someone you still want to be with- different life paths, and all that stuff.
And Melissa's departure means something more. It means that I don't have any babies left. My babies are growing up and don't need the full-time attention that I've been doling out for the past 7.25 years. And so, a new chapter begins for me too.
I hope this chapter involves a full-night's sleep.